• CoBrowse
  • CIM Academy is the Accredited Study Centre owned and run by the Chartered Institute of Marketing. CIM Academy is not the CIM Awarding Body and operates completely independently within CIM. This means that CIM Academy has its own Terms and Conditions which are reflected below.

    CIM qualifications are internationally recognised and must therefore abide by the rules laid down by the Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (Ofqual) which regulates the CIM Awarding Body*.

    These terms and conditions are effective from 1 August 2023 and supersede any other terms and conditions you may have received. Please note that calls to our customer contact centre may be recorded for training and quality purposes.

    *The Marketing Leadership Programme (MLP) is not regulated by Ofqual.

    Course start dates

    The start date of your course will be published on the CIM Academy website and communicated via your training plan. An email with login details for the CIM Academy Learning Portal and other useful information will be sent to you a minimum of 2 days before the official start date.

    Course fees

    Fees include the following:

    • Tuition costs – tuition can vary depending on the product and/or study option
    • 24/7 access to CIM Academy Learning Portal – planned outages will be communicated by the Learner Support team either by email or via the Discussion Forum
    • CIM Affiliate Studying membership for 1 year*
    • CIM assessment fees – exam and/or written assignments depending on the course or module

    *If your studies run for over 12 months, you will be required to obtain another year of CIM membership to continue.

    You are responsible for keeping your membership paid and up to date. Please ask the Learner Support team for help with your membership if required.

    Fees do not include the following (which, if requested by the student, will require additional charges):

    • Revision workshops
    • Individual feedback reports or remarking service from the CIM Awarding Body (these are called Enquiries About Results or EARs)
    • Exam resits and/or assignment resubmissions – fully paid membership is required for any resits, resubmissions or to receive results and awards
    • Alternative or extra modules – if a student fails an elective module and chooses to take an alternative one instead of a resit, both CIM Academy tuition and CIM Assessment fees will apply

    Bookings can be made by phone or email and are regarded provisional bookings until full payment has been made and the booking form has been signed.

    You are responsible for ensuring you are at the right level of learning to benefit from the qualification. If you would like more information and to check the qualification level is right for you contact a CIM Academy Learning Advisor via telephone on +44 (0)1628 427240.


    All course fees must be paid in full within 30 days or before the official start date, whichever is sooner. Full payment can be made via credit/debit card, BACS or bank transfer. Bookings are considered ‘late’ when they surpass the published booking deadline. CIM Academy will only accept bookings after the booking deadline on a case-by-case basis. Settlement of the invoice is only deemed to have happened when the full amount has been paid and cleared.

    Bank details

    Bank: Santander
    Account name: The Chartered Institute of Marketing Account number: 10776490
    Sort code: 09-02-2
    IBAN code: GB93 ABBY 09022210776490
    CIM Finance team contact: +44 (0)1628 427425
    VAT number: GB 302 2509 13

    Cancellation of course and prices by CIM Academy

    CIM Academy reserves the right to amend or cancel any courses, workshops, course times, dates, published prices or Terms and Conditions at any time.

    Any course may be cancelled by CIM Academy up to two weeks prior to its start date.

    Cancellation of course by student

    If a student wishes to cancel their course, under the qualification’s regulations, unless there are exceptional extenuating personal circumstances – such as serious illness or bereavement – no refund will be made. Work related issues are not accepted as extenuating circumstances or legitimate cause to change attendance dates and no refund or partial refund of course fees will be given.

    If extenuating reasons do arise, it is the responsibility of the student or the student's organisation to inform CIM Academy in writing (email) providing evidence of the circumstances at the earliest opportunity. In the event that the circumstances are accepted as legitimate cause, it will be handled on a case-by-case basis.

    Self-funding students are responsible for full payment even if they choose to withdraw from the qualification. Students will not be entitled to a partial or full refund if they change their mind once they have accessed the CIM Academy Learning Portal and the module/qualification has officially started. The module/qualification has officially started once the official start date has passed.

    Where a company or organisation is booking and funding a student, the contract is with the employer who is liable for the payment once the booking has been made. If the student for any reason leaves the company at any stage before or during the course or chooses to discontinue the course, the company remains liable for full payment of the booked course fees.

    Alternatively, it may be that a deferral will be offered at the fees outlined in the Deferrals section below.


    Companies may choose to substitute the original student with another person before the course start date. Written notification is required to substitute a student. There is no charge for this. However, the new student will have to go through the same validation process which may include a review of their CV to ensure that the course is suited to their level of experience.

    Substitutions which take place during a course are at the discretion of CIM Academy management and if allowed will require the new student to be validated at the correct level by an assessment of their CV. Any additional charges that apply will be advised in writing (email).

    In all cases, if the substitution is not possible due to the new student's experience being deemed insufficient by CIM Academy, full cancellation charges will apply.

    Attendance and behaviour

    All students must attend each module as booked and described in the approved syllabus and published work scheme for the programme.

    Students are responsible for their own academic integrity and should be committed to behaving honestly. This includes keeping track of research and referencing when an idea or information is not your own. Plagiarism is an academic offence and may result in the assignment submission being declared null and void.

    We expect that you:

    • Attend all Live Assessment Tutorials and workshops (if applicable) and participate in a positive and collaborative way
    • Have support from your employer and ensure they are aware of the commitment involved in your studies (minimum 10 hours per week studying; attendance of Live Assessment Tutorials/workshops; attendance of exam(s); 30-50 hours to research and write each assignment)
    • Manage your time effectively especially when preparing for your assignment/exam
    • Meet all deadlines
    • Read the Student Handbook available to you at the start of the course
    Deferral of a CIM Qualification (2019 and 2024 CIM syllabus)

    CIM Academy understands that students may not be able to submit their assignment or sit their examination by the published deadline. Whilst we are unable to offer extensions to these deadlines, students do have the option to defer their assessment to the next assessment window, along with their tuition, where fees are applicable.

    There are distinct deferral procedures for both exam and assignment modules and it is the responsibility of the student to contact CIM Academy at the earliest opportunity to discuss options and incurred deferral fees.

    To defer your studies ahead of the official start date, a £75+VAT fee will be applicable. Further deferral fees and guidance can be found within the CIM Academy Student Handbook once your studies have begun.

    Intellectual property

    All materials supplied by CIM Academy remain the intellectual property of CIM and its partners, who assert their right to worldwide copyright unless specifically agreed otherwise in writing.

    Assignments submitted by CIM Academy students remain anonymous for assessment purposes and marked assignments or exam scripts are not returned to students under the CIM Awarding Body policy. All content of assignments or exams will not be divulged unless express permission has been obtained from the originator.

    Liability and indemnity

    Except as expressly provided for herein CIM Academy, its employees or agents shall not in any circumstances be liable for consequential, indirect or special damages of any kind arising out of or in any way connected with the performance or failure to perform this Agreement. Nothing in this Agreement shall serve to limit or exclude either party’s liability for death or personal injury caused by their negligence.

    Force majeure

    Neither party shall be liable in damages or have the right to terminate this Agreement for any delay or default in performing hereunder if such delay or default is caused by conditions beyond their control including, but not limited to fire, flood, infectious disease or pandemic, strike, loss of utilities, suspension of transport facilities, any act of God, any act of war or civil disorder, government intervention, acts of terrorism, and/or any other cause beyond the reasonable control of the party whose performance is affected.

    Privacy Policy

    For full details of our privacy policy, please visit http://www.cim.co.uk/privacy/

    Reasonable Adjustments

    Definition of reasonable adjustments

     Reasonable adjustments enable a candidate with additional requirements to demonstrate their knowledge, skills and understanding to the levels of attainment required by the relevant CIM qualification. CIM Academy ensures its Reasonable Adjustments Policy aligns to regulatory and legal requirements.


    Reasonable adjustments

     The Equality Act 2010 requires an awarding organisation to make reasonable adjustments where a candidate, who is disabled within the meaning of the Act, would be at a disadvantage in comparison to someone who is not disabled. CIM Academy is required to take reasonable steps to overcome that disadvantage.


    A reasonable adjustment is unique to an individual. Whether an adjustment will be considered reasonable will depend on a number of factors which will include, but are not limited to:

    • the needs of the disabled candidate/learner.

    • the effectiveness of the

    • the cost of the adjustment; and

    • the likely impact of the adjustment upon the candidate and other


    An adjustment will not be approved if it:

    • involves unreasonable costs and/or time frames; or

    • affects the security and integrity of the


    In these cases, the adjustment is not deemed to be “reasonable”.


    It is not reasonable for adjustments to be made to assessment objectives within a qualification. To do so would undermine the effectiveness of the qualification in providing a reliable indication of the knowledge, skills and understanding of the candidate.

    Each reasonable adjustment application will be dealt with on an individual basis, based on the evidence submitted ie. relevant adjustments will be made in respect of additional time, improved accessibility, and adapted use of learning technology. Consideration will be given to the assessment(s) for which the application has been made.


    Process for reasonable adjustments for examinations

     When commencing a course, it is the candidate’s responsibility to inform CIM Academy of any additional support needed for their learning and/or assessments resulting from  their disability. CIM Academy should provide a clear, confidential process whereby candidates are able to notify their CIM Academy of any reasonable adjustment they believe they require for an assessment, so that a request can be sent to CIM. CIM Academy may not be able to provide for any reasonable adjustment that is not submitted in a timely way because of the time required to implement the required adjustment.


    The Reasonable Adjustment application form is available from CIM Academy on the Tutor Zone. The form must be completed and submitted with evidence the first time a reasonable adjustment claim is made for a candidate. For on-going reasonable adjustment claims for that candidate, CIM must be notified by CIM Academy for each appropriate assessment session, but the application form does not need to be completed. However, should the candidate’s condition and/or requirements alter, a new reasonable adjustment application form must be completed and submitted with evidence attached.


    All application forms and evidence should be sent by CIM Academy on behalf of candidates to reasonableadjustments@cim.co.uk no later than the assessment booking deadline for the relevant session or prior to the end-point assessment. The candidate must have made an assessment booking for their assessment. CIM will send an acknowledgement upon receipt of the application form, before considering what suitable adjustment should be facilitated. Once a decision has been reached the candidate will be informed and the information logged on their record. Invigilators and examination centre staff will be informed of the arrangements in order to assist the candidate.


    CIM will ensure that any reasonable adjustment given does not over-compensate for a condition which would give a candidate an unfair advantage over others. CIM reserves the right to suggest suitable alternative reasonable adjustments to those requested and will consider each request on a case-by-case basis. A response will be provided within 5 working days of receiving the application. Retrospective applications for a reasonable adjustment cannot be considered.


    Process for reasonable adjustments for assignments

    CIM assignments are generic in nature and the schedule of submission deadlines is published in advance to enable candidates to plan additional time for preparing and submitting their assessments. Therefore, the Reasonable Adjustment policy cannot have any bearing on the final assignment deadline published by CIM and CIM Academy.

    If a student needs support for their learning for an assignment-based module CIM Academy requires students to submit their reasonable adjustments form and evidence to cim.learnersupport@cim.co.uk. This application must be made as soon as possible after the start of a studying session for CIM Academy to review a student’s needs and, where possible, provide adjustments.   Upon receipt of a form and evidence CIM Academy will write to a student within   5 working days with a decision. 

    CIM Academy must be notified for each appropriate assessment session, but the application form does not need to be completed. However, should the candidate’s condition and/or requirements alter, a new reasonable adjustment application form must be completed and submitted with evidence attached.



    Any questions regarding reasonable adjustments relating to exam-based assessments should be directed to the Exam Services Team on +44 (0)1628 427049 and by email to reasonableadjustments@cim.co.uk.


    Questions relating to Assignment based assessments should be directed to CIM Academy directly on +44 (0)1628 427300 and by email to cim.learnersupport@cim.co.uk.


    Should a student wish to appeal against CIM’s decision not to make a reasonable adjustment, or against a specified reasonable adjustment, the Appeals policy and Notice to Appeal form are available on MyCIM (https://my.cim.co.uk/login/) and the Tutor Zone (https://tutorzone.cim.co.uk/). Apprentices would need to contact the EPAO (apprenticeship@cim.co.uk) to request appropriate documentation. Please note that the completed Notice to Appeal and supporting documentation must be returned to CIM within 5 working days of the date of the decision communication being sent. CIM will respond within 20 working days upon receipt of the Notice to Appeal form.



    Other terms

    CIM Academy and CIM Awarding Body reserve the right to remove any delegate from their programme should their behaviour be deemed to be inappropriate by CIM or its partners. This would result in no refund of course fees or other costs being paid.