Our Royal Charter
CIM’s purpose, powers and governance are established by our Royal Charter, bye-laws and regulation. Together they are known as The Constitution.
Like all chartered bodies, CIM is regulated by the Privy Council, a group of advisors to the King. Amendments to our Charter can only be made with the agreement of the King in Council, and amendments to our bye-laws must be approved by the Privy Council.
Less than 1,000 Royal Charters have been granted since 1231. Charters are granted very rarely, usually for bodies working in the public interest, such as professional institutions like CIM.
Our Board of Directors
The Constitution establishes our Board of Directors, who are responsible for the overall governance of CIM and its affairs. The Board is answerable to CIM members for the activities and functioning of CIM and the extent to which its objects have been met.
It is The Board of Directors’ responsibility to:
- Give direction on all aspects of CIM’s Strategy and policy and develop long-term strategic plans and policy objectives for the Chief Executive and staff to implement.
- Review, approve and where appropriate request plans and programmes for achieving objectives.
- Ensure that CIM complies with legislative and regulatory requirements and acts within the confines of the Charter, Bye-laws, General and Board Regulations in furtherance to its objectives.
The Directors are advised and supported in their work by the following four committees.
- Audit and Risk Committee.
- Appointments and Remuneration Committee.
- Constitution and Ethics Committee.
- Disciplinary Committee.
Board of Directors vacancies
Nominations are now being accepted for CIM’s Board of Directors from ACIM, MCIM or FCIM members. This year there are three vacancies:
- 2 x three-year term for members resident within the UK or Europe
- 1 x three-year term for members resident in the rest of the world
The closing date for applications is 17.00 BST on 3 September 2020. Find out more.