November 12, 2018
6:00 PM - London
Never before has PR strategy and practice for charities been so important. After several major crises hit the media, public trust in charities has plummeted in recent years.
Hear from experts in non-profit PR, Professor Ian Bruce CBE, Nicky Garsten PhD and Michaela O'Brien, about the causes and solutions to this worrying situation, and how strategic PR can change society for the better. Further information on our speakers can be accessed here.
During the session you’ll hear about:
- the trends in measuring public trust and confidence
- comparisons between institutions, fighting for recognition and trust
- the growing body of knowledge and skill around issues and risk management
- non-profits who communicate their causes in a clear, engaging way (examples from around the world)
- experiences of what does and doesn’t work!
The session will be facilitated by Professor Ian Bruce CBE, Chair of the CIM Charity and Social Marketing Group, and Co-Editor of "Communicating Causes" recently published by Routledge.
Charity employees will be offered a reduced rate upon providing their charity name and registered charity number. Please call 01628 427 340 to provide these details and make your booking.
We hope you’ll join the discussion and contribute your experiences and ideas. Our meetings are interactive and welcoming, with drinks and snacks provided.
Interested in reputation management and marketing? Come and meet the charities; they need your help!
CPD category: Insights
Duration: 1.5 hours
Registration and networking is from 18:00, the event starts at 18:30 and finishes at 20:30. If you are non-EU resident please call the Regional Events team to make your booking.
11 Pilgrim Street
United Kingdom
Sector: Charity & Social Marketing
Region: London
Map link: click here
Speaker biographies
Speakers: Professor Ian Bruce CBE, Nicky Garsten PhD and Michaela O'Brien
- Member: £15.00
- Studying member: £15.00
- Student: £15.00
- Non-member: £20.00
Prices shown are inclusive of VAT with refreshments and light buffet provided. If you have any special requirements, please contact the Regional Events Team.
Please book online for this event. If you cannot do so, please call the Regional Events Team on +44 (0)1628 427 340.