
Stanley Dunthorne

Stanley joined Hallam in 2016 after graduating from the University of Nottingham with a Masters in History. Specialising in SEO, Stanley worked with clients ranging from local lead generation businesses to large ecommerce and international websites, across B2C and B2B sectors. Stanley is a respected author and has written for industry publications such as Wordstream.

After an illustrious two years of delivering digital performance, Stanley took eight months off to gallivant around the world.

Returning to Hallam’s warm embrace in 2019, Stanley continues to specialise in search engine optimisation, and was pleased to even get some of his old clients back.

Whilst away Stanley became healthily obsessed with helping the Google community by leaving Google reviews of everywhere he could. When not reviewing, Stanley enjoys reading historical non-fiction and working his way through every Wetherspoons in the country.