Marketing’s customer led boardroom comeback

- 08 March 2024
Marketing is overwhelmed by tactical measures and a focus on impressions, attribution, ROI and ROAS. Marketers need to retrain their focus on strategic Board issues like developing customer and market insight, increasing enterprise value, and building the brand to drive sustainable long growth.
As Sandrine Desbarbieux-Lloyd pointed out in her recent article on the CIM Content hub, “marketers say that they cannot get their voices heard at board level, that their budget requests are turned down and that their long-term plans are overtaken by short-term priorities.” With research published in the Journal of Marketing back in 2019 finding that only 2.6% of Board members of the Fortune 1000 are marketers, is this any wonder?
Digital marketing will of course play a leading role, but it cannot be the whole story. By adding the “digital” prefix to marketing roles, actions and functions, they have become inherently tactical.