Whose data is it anyway?

- 27 September 2016
It's impossible to exaggerate the strategic importance of data, particularly 'big data', in terms of driving business growth, competitive advantage and increased customer engagement.
"Today, the use of data is having an impact and informing decision-making in every business and every function," concludes Bernard Marr, consultant and best-selling author of Big Data in Practice, in the latest issue of Catalyst – our member magazine.
"If you don't seriously rethink the way you do business because of this – no matter what business you are in – there is a danger you will miss the boat," he explains.
No wonder that data specialists are being recruited to the top table. But are these businesses, the marketers that work within them and consumers themselves ready for the increasing emphasis on collecting and using consumers' personal data? And do we truly know the rights (and the wrongs) when it comes to who controls and benefits from the use of it?
It's with these questions in mind that we commissioned this report in 2016 to identify the key areas organisations and their marketers need to work on when it comes to capturing, storing and sharing consumers' personal data, so as to deliver great business results responsibly. We set out our four recommendations for giving consumers the reassurance they need to feel comfortable about sharing their data.
